Jake Colvin to step down as club President

After four seasons in the position, Jake Colvin will step down as President at the end of May. 

Jake has accepted an exciting new job in Melbourne and will be moving to Victoria in the next couple of weeks.

“The role of the Uni Footy Club president is all-consuming and requires absolute commitment.”
Roger Steinepreis, Club Patron.

“Not only has Jake been committed to the role, but he has given it his 120% commitment for the past 4 years. The club is all the better for having leaders like Jake who are also passionate current players. To have the players running the club and being committed to its success is a critical part of its culture, both on and off the field.

“The important part of his leadership as President has been to engage with the past players, and ensure there remains a strong tie with them, not only to ensure the Club’s history is passed down, but also to enable future employment opportunities and other connections to continue that benefit the players. This is a key part of our Club, and Jake has made an important contribution to strengthen this bond.

“Jake has of course been instrumental in the development of the Neil Donaldson Pavilion, from the early stages of the discussions with the UWA, the design phase to suit the Club’s needs, the final development approvals and now, construction. It is something he should be truly proud of, as it is a landmark development in the life of our great Club, which he has helped deliver and which will (finally) serve us for many years to come. 

“But it is not all about being President, he is an accomplished A-grade player, a premiership player and a leader on the field. The on-field experience is as important as the off-field fun, and he has certainly excelled in his playing of the game (and I am sure on the off-field, but I don’t see as much of that).

“We will miss Jake being around the Club, but we look forward to hearing of his success in his new career opportunities, and to seeing him back at the opening of the Pavilion.”



As President, Jake has been instrumental in leading the club through COVID-19, a time of significant personnel change in the A-Stream and the commencement of the Neil Donaldson Pavillion Project. 

Taking over from Duavin Lake in 2021, Jake has worked with the committee to set the club up for the future, working as a conduit between the various parts of the club. This included players, coaches, volunteers, the board and the coaches club. 

“A person like Jake leaving a footy club is always going to leave a big hole. He’s been a massive part of what’s occurred on the field and also off the field socially.”
Tim Greaney, UFC Coaches Club. 

“If that’s all he contributed, he’d be a massive loss! That fact that on top of this, he has put in hours and hours of work that probably often goes unnoticed in running the club I think will show just how much of a loss he really is.” 

Last night, the Committee voted unanimously to appoint Annie Simpson as President of the University Football Club. Annie is the current vice president, a player and a long-term committee member. 

Jake has gone above and beyond for this club, and we will be eternally grateful for his years of service. I’ve got some big shoes to fill!”

Annie Simpson, incoming President.

“I look forward to working closely with our experienced committee and past players to ensure the transition is smooth and the club continues to thrive.” 

Brad Applegate has been appointed as the Vice-President, replacing Annie in the role. Brad is the current Treasurer and captain of the Thirds side. 

“This is a very exciting time to be stepping into the role, and with Brad supporting me as interim Vice President, I am confident 2024 will be another outstanding year for the UFC.” Said Annie. 

The Uni Footy community wishes Jake all the best in Melbourne and thanks him for his outstanding years of service to the club. 
