Round 11 – 2022

The club has seen a range of results across the teams with only 3 wins from the 9 games played. The A grade were able to Teach the Beach at home while the A-colts and Laurie Keene Colts also recorded a victory.

Next week the A-stream turn their focus towards the undefeated Curtin in an important game. With the bite of Uni Holidays and European Summer upon us, the next few weeks will be season shaping for all teams.

Steinepreis Paganin A-Grade

University 8.9 57 defeated North Beach 4.11 35

The A Grade have made it 4 in a row with a solid 4 quarter performance against the second place North Beach. 

The side got off to a terrific start, taking control of the first quarter with immense pressure and willingness to compete. Uni kicked the first 5 goals of the game as the midfield led by Chaz Flint and Isaac Barton gave our forwards plenty of quality looks. New cult hero Henrick Alforque was his usual lively self, applying his trademark pressure and hitting the scoreboard yet again. We were able to enter the major break with a commanding 29 point lead. 

The third quarter was what we expected,  North Beach turned up the heat and really challenged the group. Uni was able to weather the storm with captain Tim O’Hara doing what he does best by winning basically every 1 on 1 contest that came his way. Quinn Donaldson continued his impressive debut season with clean ball use and dynamic movement out of contests, a real highlight for some of the uni spectators. To North Beach’s credit, they played a really good third term, outscoring Uni by a goal and trimmed the lead down to 22 points heading into the last quarter. 

The side was challenged not to shy away from the style of footy that got them to this point, to keep applying pressure and not go into our shells. Uni maintained their willingness and mentality to keep going at the game, which resulted in both teams playing out a hard fought contest. The lead remained 22 points at the final siren. The coaching staff were pleased with the performance as a whole. When really challenged, the side remained calm and their temperament was unwavered. 

This week, we set ourselves for the toughest challenge in A Grade, which is the undefeated Curtin Uni at South Oval.

Goals: Alforque 3, Kohlman, Flint, Wilson, Davies, Q. Donaldson

Best: Flint, O’Hara, Alforque, Barton, Silk, Q. Donaldson

4 Pines A-Reserves

University 4.8 32 defeated by North Beach 7.8 50

The Ressies have gone down by 18 points in an armwrestle against North Beach on Saturday. Coming into the game the team had been in great form winning 4 on the trot but understood that Beach had been the benchmark in this competition for a while and we’d need a four-quarter effort to come away with a win.

Pre-game the acronym of PIGS came to life being the embodiment of what this group has been building towards over several weeks. Early on, Beach had the ascendency, but a resistant backline kept us right in it. Ferg was terrific on return and Owen was locking down his direct opponent. A late goal for us resulted in Beach carrying a 2-point lead

In the second quarter we began to wrestle some momentum led by the midfield group of Gaj, Dur and a returning Bull McKay who looked poised to take over the game. Nifty, playing his 50th* game for the club, kicked one to give us the lead at half time.

The third quarter we came out and played some of our best footy for the year with the mids starting to win their matchups and the forwards presenting well. Unfortunately for us, we kicked 1.4 for the quarter to Beach’s 2 points. This came back to bite us as a rampant Beach kicked 5 goals to 0 in the final quarter and ran out 18-point victors.

Overall, it was a disappointing end to what had otherwise been a gritty performance by an improving side. The challenge for us moving into the next couple weeks is appreciating that for all 4 quarters last week against CBC, and the first 3 quarters on Saturday we matched/bettered it with 2 of the best teams in the competition.

We play an 8 pointer against Wesley Curtin next Saturday which will ultimately have some bearing on where we finish this season. I have no doubt though that if we bring that energy as we have shown during the last 5 weeks we will be in a position to come away with a win.

Come on you Poodles.

Goals – President (2); Nifty & Gaj (1)

Phil Scott Colts

University 9.5 59 defeated North Beach 4.3 27

Crossing Law A-Grade Women Stormers

University 1.8 14 defeated by Curtin Uni Wesley 4.2 26


Steinepris c4-Grade Women Peacocks

University 1.0 6 defeated by Bullcreek Leeming 7.15 57

Brewhub C4-Grade Pirates

University 6.4 40 defeated by North Beach 15.12 102 

BDO C4-Reserves Dingoes

University 7.7 49 defeated by North Beach 8.8 56

The Dingoes went up against North Beach in a mouthwatering top-of-the-table clash at Charles Riley Reserve. The Dingoes were 10 games undefeated to start the season, and were also celebrating the 100th game for Harry Leo – a Dingoes premiership player and 8 Bucks medallist.

While the boys started well, inaccurate kicking marred the opening half. At one stage North Beach had kicked 6 straight to the Dingoes 0.8. Despite going into half-time 5 goals down, the Dingoes kicked 4 quick unanswered goals to have the game on a knife edge going into the last quarter. Butler was dominating in the ruck, while Big Al, Onesie and Taras went to work through the midfield.

With 3 minutes to go in the last the Dingoes were down by 11 points. In the most unlikely event in PFL history, Demon decided not to join an all-in melee, taking the ball directly from the ruck contest, with Mac taking a tough contested mark and kicking the Dingoes within a goal. With 30 second left to go, the Dings were paid a 50m penalty in their defensive half; Danger then decided to casually break the land-speed record running up field before kicking it long inside 50. Unfortunately the Miracle at the Mahal wasn’t to be, with the Dings going down by 5 points in a genuine corker of a C4 Reserves match.

While it wasn’t to be, the Dings celebrated as they only know how, with a Shed session, followed by a late arrival to Coaches and then back to The Shed for another session. Haz Leo and Big Al managed to traffick 15 colts back to The Shed, in what proved to be a successful Dingoes recruitment drive. Long live the Dings.

Votes: 6 Haz Leo, 5 Butler, 4 Taras, 3 Demon, 2 Big Al & IZ, 1 Moods, Jado, Roida

Brett Jones Colts 

University 3.12 30 defeated by North Beach 10.3 63

Subi Hotel Laurie Keene Colts C-Gulls

University 8.14 62 defeated Mosmon Park 2.14 26

